The important of trees to human can’t be overemphasized as they serve different purposes to our environment, landscape and atmosphere.
Trees are found in all countries of the world, hence, it is generally believed that it is one of the most important natural resources on earth.
Trees are of different species and kinds, and they vary from one continent to another. They equally vary from country to country, this is why you hardly find African-based trees in Asia countries vice-versa.
We have decided to talk on some important places in the world in respect to types of tree that can successfully grow in them.
We are set to unveil to you the top five trees that are mostly seen or planted in Texas. But before the list, let’s quickly give you a quick information about Texas.
Some important fact you should know about Texas
Texas is located in United States of America and it is the country’s second largest state. It shares borders with New Mexico, Oklahoma and Arkansas. Texas has Austin as its capital City , while, Houston is its largest city. One of the top tree services located in the heart of Central Texas is Tree Trimming Round Rock a company that has offered Tree Service Round Rock TX has trusted for over 20 years.
This wonderful state possess a very impressive whether and climatic features, which is one of the cogent reasons why many of its citizens are engaged in forestry and other agricultural practices.
Diverse kinds of trees are located in Texas as it serves so many purposes to the citizens of the state. To some, trees provide shield to their houses whenever there’s occasional storm.
To many Texans , trees beautify their compound and environment; They also believe that trees add more value to their landscape designs.
Without wasting much of your time, below is the list of best five type of trees you can ever come across in Texas State:
Top five types of Trees in Texas
Live Oak
Live Oak is one of the most planted trees in Texas because of its ability to provide shades — where its owner can relax — during Texas’s heat period.
Talking of the shade provided by this type of trees, this is made possible as result of its widespread, strong and plenty branches.
Live Oak is made of a very robust trunk which is approximately 50ft tall. It has a very hard hard wood which makes it withstand any kind of storm that could arise.
Having considered all of these attributes, many Texans often plant Live Oaks in their landscape.
Bur Oak
Just as Live Oaks, Bur Oak consists of a very strong and robust trunk. It also possess a very large quantity of leaves which makes it one of the trees fancied by Texans.
Bur Oak trees annually produce large quantity of sweet fruits — which is referred to as acorn, this is why many Texans can’t help but plant this type of tree in their compound.
Another important feature of a Bur Oak tree is the possession of lengthy tap root, which makes it adaptable to any kind of weather condition — either rainy or dry season; Cold or heat period.
Cedar Elm
Cedar Elm is another type of tree mostly found in Texas, especially in East, South, and Central part of the state.
Unlike some trees that grow only on loamy soil, Cedar Elm grows perfectly on any kind of soil as result of its long roots.
It consists of many widespread branches which helps in creating shade during heat period. This characteristic is one of the reasons why many Texans love having Cedar Elms in their compound.
Bald Cypress
Bald Cypresses are mostly found in swampy parts of Texas, though, they can successfully stay on different soil conditions.
It possess plenty feather-like leaves; and it’s a very good producer of shades to tackle Texas’s heat period. It is pyramidal in shape but this type of tree can’t survive lengthy drought.
Magnolias are often referred to as “southern” trees, even if it is mostly found in the Eastern part of the state.
Out of all the listed trees, Magnolia has the most beautiful leaves. The leaves are dark-green in color, leathery in structure and appeasing to the eyes.
This type of tree also produces beautiful flowers which serves as ornament to compound and landscape. No wonder many Texans love to give it a try in their environment.
Irrespective of all these characteristics, Magnolia tree can’t strive on all soil, neither can it survive every weather condition.